Thursday, June 03, 2004

Guess what! Someone came to visit to-day...

Someone came to visit to-day. And he cut the lawn, and took me to the bank .OK, OK, I do know I said I would'nt bore you with trivia. All the same I was, and am, jolly grateful to have such a lovely son!

So for to-day's story.

"Picture this" (obscure reference to The Golden Girls, which I call the Goldies and which I love to snigger to -never identifying, of course not, either with the stupid dum one, or the teachery one or God forbid, the lecherous one....even less with the old crazy Italian mother, but I digress...):

For this little time with you, I fancy a hideout in a barn, dry and cosy, the sweet scent of straw everywhere. The thought of getting caught here gives us the giggles. On the stone wall opposite, through a small dusty window we can see the rows of the vineyard, -each luscious vine laden with its harvest of grapes-, and the folks who are going about their business, so unaware of being watched. That's fine, our eyes hold no malice. Just above our heads, through the skylight, elongated clouds etch their whiteness on the blue. I hold onto your hand. We burst out laughing at the screeching of an owl. We are ten years old, and we have skipped school...

That's all folks, for to-day anyway. Greetings and love.


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