Sunday, October 10, 2004

Excuses I have made: a very so-what-ish post

Once when I was teaching in a very rough school in London, I told the headmistress that I was late because it had been my birthday on that day and that I had had to try on my birthday present before coming to school. For my 25th birthday present I had asked for a Snoopy dog soft toy and a pair of roller skates. I don't think I got to work until ten o'clock that day....slightly bruised and very exhilarated. I think that's because my body produces its very own happy drugs whenever I feel that I have bucked the system. I didn't even get a reprimand. I think that M'am was too flabberghasted for words!

This morning, my unremarkable excuse for not getting up in time for the meditation class was that last night's power cut disabled my alarm clock and thus I slept blissfully on until 8.30...

Well at least I wasn't trying on my roller skates!

Ok, so what?

Love anyway!



Blogger paul said...

I think I remember that snoppy dog - would it still have been around in my younger years?

9:57 pm  
Blogger torfeida said...

Slept blissfuly? Sounds like that was just as good as the meditation ;)

2:25 pm  
Blogger Phill said...

Hi Jocelyne,

I think i'll use that excuse the next time i'm late for work!

1:21 pm  

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