Sunday, December 12, 2004

I can't believe it: I've just remembered and it's soooo stupid!!!

What I was going to ask is:

Has anyone else noticed the similarity between:
a) the smell of (pure vegetable) coconut soap and
b) the smell of (clean) wet dog?

It hit me bizarely this morning...but then I do live a life of leisure and such iddle thoughts are a small price to pay!

Enjoy your day even more now that you have been made aware of THE olfactory coindence of the year!



Blogger MrOrsom said...

Surprisingly I can't remember the last time I smelled a clean wet dog; it's been a while. So unfortunately I can't back up your discovery.

What is pure vegetable coconut soap anyway? Is it pure vegetable soap, or is it coconut soap? I like coconut.

10:18 am  

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