Sunday, June 20, 2004

Big Blog-ther

I just found out from reading one of my favourite blogs that there exists a blog review panel who rate blogs...(Well done Torfeida)

All of a sudden some of the joy has gone out of writing the log, because I was doing it without an expectation of judgment, just as a way of connecting with many near and far, many who know better than I about this medium, and in the hope of finding like minded folks.

I'm sure mine will not draw attention, not yet surely, but dear oh dear how would I feel if I got a 1 or even a 2...I would be sooOOO discouraged. And it would be very unfair, as not all are equal in the face of technology. I, for instance have as yet no idea how you put photos on a blog. (That's why there aren't any on mine by the way). I also use far too many "... ...."s, and I am very uphazard in my choice of topics... (see what I mean?...)

But,I'm not going to be discouraged and I will blog on regardless, but really! Is nowhere free from judgment? Ah Ah Ah, I AM one who judges a lot, so in my case rating is retribution.

Most grovelling apologies if my moans offend those who judge: I didn't mean it, honest gov'! I won't do it again, I promise! Let me off this one time, comme on! Please!

I bow backwards to all those whose sensitivity I may have offended and withdraw discreetly to go rethink my strategy (ok, and to make my bed and to do some more ironing, and to cook a meal too).

Whatever else, you have a good day!


Blogger Alex said...

Most people, unless they have horseshoes usually start at the "bottom"

1:18 pm  
Blogger paul said...

Opinions are subjective maman! Blogs are beyond rating in my book...But the title of your latest post gets a 10 from me!

2:13 pm  
Blogger jocelyne said...

What do you mean by the horseshoes? Please tell me where can I get some and how to use them?:-)

3:15 pm  
Blogger torfeida said...

The thing with the rewiew is that you don't have to have anyone review your blog if you don't want, I just put mine in to get some critisism and some idea of how to improve it.

And anyway, what you get is realy just a longer comment on the whole thing instead of just one of the posts. Like a comment, it's just that person's opinion too! :)

6:54 am  

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