Friday, June 25, 2004

a big change!

Did you notice, I have completely changed my "DESCRIPTION" of this log. Does that mean that I have changed? Yes: as every experience changes you. No: as fundamentally I am still as naive as ever, just don' real-ly (sic) want to be seen as such.

The learning curve has been steep: I now know that there are hundreds of things to learn in the world of blogging...and I will learn them.

The people I have connected to so far have been helpful, kind, cooperative and respectful. Most of them are very funny too! All in all so far, in MY review, the experience of blogging gets a 5. (Only draw back, the time aspect: I think I spend too much time on this, to the detriment of the study of meditation ...I'll soon sort this out though).

As ever some warm feelings of planetary companionship.

PS I'm sure something funny will be written here soon...the last few posts are mainly quite serious, no? (I have however, written quite a few witty comments here, there and everywhere you know!)


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