How long is 28 days?....
On the first day of this month I started a Detox diet for health reasons, while secretly hoping I might just shed a few lbs in the process (Tiens je ne suis plus "metric"? Next thing you know I'll be supporting the English football team...don't think so, somehow!)
This diet has been an experience! Full of surprises: delicious meals that I would never have eaten before; my capacity for going beyond the need for biscuits which has been shere [SI:own brain spelling check inconclusive, could be sheer?] amazement to all that know me and even more to myself; a complete lack of craving for chocolate; and, best of all the realisation that what I really like is chips. By this I mean, not the cellophane packed wafer thin potato crisps, but the chunky covered/drizzled in oil and fried/baked in the oven variety. I have 4 days to go before I make myself some chips to reward myself for a diet well adhered to.
It is most pleasing to discover that you can do things which you thought you couldn't!
If I haven't lost weight, I have at least had a lot more energy. I've been out and about a lot more. It's great to feel well, and I wholeheartedly recomment to any of you reading this, who do feel well, to take a moment to acknowledge that enviable state of being, to relish it, and to get in gratitude mode, if only for a few seconds...
Appreciation is one of my favorite modes.
Talking of appreciation, my ex husband -the one in Malawi- does not like my blog...Well, I couldn't quite work out if it was the idea of blog or this particular one. I don't really mind though, I thought he might have liked to print his own most original thoughts onto the ether, but no problem. I like the idea of a shared log more and more, and I AM definitely going to learn some new tricks to improve the appearance of mine. I might even invest in a digital camera. I just love seeing all those photos of places and people and things.
Next is a most embarassing admission: I find myself wanting to post corrections to spelling mistakes in my comments to other people's blogs. I don 't mean typos, these I can handle, but it's your old true "faute d'orthographe" that I find so hard to abide. I know this to be a BAD thing... and yet, a lifetime of marking has left its own mark and all I can do is sit on my hands and shut down the computer( not in that order) in order to refrain from the habit. What can I do???? You see in French a spelling "mistake", it is "une faute", a word used both for error and for sin; it begs you to correct it...I think I should "get a life", is what I think. Because my hands are very sore from being sat on, and I can't do anything else when I'm stuck in that position. I did warn you it was an embarassing sort of a thing!
Well for the moment I must go and eat whatever the book says I have to eat, even though it is a bit late for lunch. Ah well! Better cannot be done (Hey, watch your syntax, you casual old teacher!!!)
Bon appétit, et à bientôt les amis!
PS I have been told how to do accents: how delightful for me!
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