Friday, July 02, 2004

Harming animals at lunch time

Sometimes, when animals are used in a film, there is a disclaimer at the end of the film which states: "No animals were harmed in the making of this film".

This is meant to give us, the audience, a warm glow of innocence, and to reassure us as to the responsible nature of those involved in making such a film. The collective "feel-good" created may even last a fleeting few instants, and then off we all go to have a bite of chicken, fish casserole, pork chops, barbecue sausages or lambstew.

I have been planning to produce some laminated statements to use as place mats for my dinner guests that would read: "No animals were harmed in the making of this meal".

(Not wishing to rant, just thinking out loud.) In any case, for me, the feelgood factor of being absolutely respectful of other creatures'lives is unmatched.

About deadlines: I was pondering about deadlines after faithfully reading that lovely Does anyone ever miss deadlines? Or do they get a state funeral just before you ever get to them? I don't think I have ever missed one in my studies or teaching career. When reports were due, reports were done! When marks had to be in, marks were matter what it took. How can that be? You know something is absolutely un-do-able and you still do it??? A price is paid, most times: I don't think I took any notice of my 10 year old son Paul for days, while writing a final year dissertation, BUT the dissertation was handed in on time. Looking back...should I have said "blow the deadline, my son needs me"??? I think so! There you go: the minute you retire, a huge paradigm shift occurs and what seemed sooooo important fades into proverbial insignificance.

I vaguely remember a seminal book which described how, of old, role and personality were kept very separate: i.e. you may be the Prime Minister,(role) but your private life was seen as irrelevant to the carrying out of that role, and therefore did not come under scrutiny . Similarly your personality was not seen as relevant. Transfer that mentality to any work situation, and reverse the angle of view, and you have perfect freedom to be who you are whilst performing the tasks required by the role you play.

Don't remember why I am writing this now...ah well, no matter...I'm off to cook some lovely green bean soup.


Blogger paul said...

In fairness maman, you did dedicate your thesis to me...

(Laughing at the laminated place mats...very nice)

12:52 am  
Blogger jocelyne said...

mmmm, that soup WAS good!

1:14 pm  

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